
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Body Modification in America Essays -- essays research papers

Body modification in American CultureIn recent years tattooing and corpse piercing have become increasingly prevalent in popular culture. These forms of body modification are no longer tools used by criminals and gang member, showing their role in family. These practices are used by many of teenagers and young adults in our society today. In fact many of these practices have been a positive elan in American culture, giving adolescents a way of expressing themselvesStudies have revealed a positive correlation betwixt risky behaviors (such as the use of drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol) and appointment in body modification. There is a shortage of available research, however, investigating the relationship between body modification and behaviors of high-risk such as driving while intoxicated and unsafe sexual practices. The current get hold of attempted to bridge this gap in the literature by examining body modification participation and involvement in really high-risk behaviors parkland to a college student population. Two hypotheses were examined. First, it was hypothesized that a positive relationship between participation in body modification and very high-risk activities would be found. Secondly, it was hypothesized that self-esteem would mediate the relationship between body modification and very high-risk behaviors. The Cognitive Appraisal of Risky Events--Revised (Fromme, DAmico, & Katz, 1999 Katz, Fromme, & DAmico, 2000) and The Coopersmith Inventory (Coopersmith, 1...

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